Frequently Asked Questions

How should I dress for the opera?

Dress for the experience you want! While many people use the opportunity to dress up for the opera, others come for comfort in jeans and a shirt. For most performances, smart-casual attire is perfectly acceptable.

Do I need to understand the language being sung?

Absolutely not! We provide supertitles, which are translations projected above the stage. It can also be helpful to read the synopsis or plot beforehand to familiarize yourself with the story.

Is it okay to clap during the performance?

We cherish your enthusiasm! Although traditional opera etiquette suggests saving applause for the end of arias or acts, we value your genuine engagement. Feel free to express your appreciation in whichever way you feel most comfortable.

Can I bring my children to the opera?

Children are a delightful addition to our audience! As you know your child's preferences and patience best, we recommend reviewing the show's content and duration to determine if it's a suitable experience for them.

What if I'm late?

Not a problem. Our ushers will guide you inside at an opportune moment. While you might miss the beginning, the remainder of the breathtaking performance awaits you!